Certificats intermédiaires
Ces certificats ne sont généralement pas présents dans les navigateurs mais envoyés dynamiquement avec le certificat d'extrémité lors de la négociation SSL/TLS.- AddTrust Client CA Root
- AddTrust External CA Root - UTN Server
- AddTrust External CA Root - UTN SGC
- AddTrust Qualified CA Root
- ChamberSign France - classe 3 (exp 2011)
- ChamberSign France - classe 3 (exp 2016)
- ChamberSign France - AC 2 étoiles
- ChamberSign France CA3 NG Qualified eID
- ChamberSign France CA3 NG RGS
- Certigna SSL
- Certigna SSL RGS
- Certigna Serveur Client
- Certigna Cachet Serveur
- Certigna ID RGS*
- Certigna ID RGS**
- Certigna ID RGS***
- Certigna Authentification RGS***
- Certigna Certigna Wild CA
- Certigna Identity Plus CA
- Certigna Identity CA
- Certigna Services CA
- Certigna Entity CA
- Certigna Entity Code Signing CA
- Comodo AAA Certificate Services
- COMODO SHA-2 Pro Series Secure Server CA
- Comodo CA - SGC Server
- Comodo CA - SSL Server
- Comodo Certification Authority v2010
- Comodo Client Authentication and Secure Email CA
- Comodo EV SGC CA
- Comodo EV SSL CA
- Comodo Extended Validation Secure Server CA
- Comodo High-Assurance Secure Server CA
- Comodo Security Services CA 2006
- Comodo Security Services CA 2012
- Comodo RSA Certification Authority (exp 2020)
- COMODO RSA Certification Authority
- Comodo RSA Organization Validation Secure Server CA
- Comodo RSA Client Authentication and Secure Email CA
- Comodo SHA256 Client Authentication and Secure Email CA
- Comodo SSL CA
- Comodo ECC Extended Validation Secure Server CA
- Comodo ECC Certification Authority (exp 2020)
- COMODO ECC Certification Authority
- COMODO ECC Client Authentication and Secure Email CA
- Comodo ECC Organization Validation Secure Server CA
- Comodo RSA Extended Validation Secure Server CA
- Comodo Pro Series Secure Server CA
- Comodo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
- Comodo ECC Domain Validation Secure Server CA
- Comodo EssentialSSL CA
- DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA
- DigiCert SHA2 Extended Validation Server CA
- DigiCert ECC Secure Server CA
- DigiCert ECC Extended Validation Server CA
- DigiCert Global CA G2
- DigiCert Global CA G3
- DigiCert Extended Validation CA G3
- DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA
- DigiCert EV Code Signing CA (SHA2)
- DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing
- DigiCert EV RSA CA G2
- DigiCert TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1
- DigiCert Global G2 TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1
- DigiCert TLS Hybrid ECC SHA384 2020 CA1
- DigiCert Global G3 TLS ECC SHA384 2020 CA1
- DigiCert Trusted G4 Code Signing RSA4096 SHA384 2021 CA1
- DigiCert Global G3 Code Signing ECC SHA384 2021 CA1
- DigiCert TLS Hybrid ECC SHA384 2020 CA1-1 (2021)
- DigiCert Global G3 TLS ECC SHA384 2020 CA1-1 (2021)
- DigiCert TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1-1 (2021)
- DigiCert G5 TLS ECC SHA384 2021 CA1
- DigiCert G5 TLS RSA4096 SHA384 2021 CA1
- DigiCert G5 RSA4096 SHA384 2021 CA1
- DigiCert G5 ECC SHA384 2021 CA1
- DigiCert Trusted G4 Code Signing RSA4096 SHA256 2021 CA1
- DigiCert G5 CS ECC SHA384 2021 CA1
- DigiCert Global G3 Code Signing ECC P256 SHA384 2021 CA1
- DigiCert G5 CS RSA4096 SHA384 2021 CA1
- DigiCert Trusted G4 RSA4096 SHA256 TimeStamping CA
- DigiCert Trusted G4 TLS RSA SHA384 2020 CA1
- DigiCert Trusted Server CA G4
- DigiCert EV Server CA G4
- DigiCert Trusted Root G4 cross haevrca
- DigiCert Assured ID Client CA G2
- DigiCert Assured ID CA G3
- DigiCert Assured ID SMIME RSA2048 SHA256 2021 CA1
- DigiCert Assured ID CA G2
- DigiCert Verified Mark Intermediate CA
- DigiCert Verified Mark RSA4096 SHA256 2021 CA1
- DigiCert Assured G2 SMIME RSA4096 SHA384 2024 CA1
- GeoTrust EV SSL CA
- GeoTrust EV SHA256 SSL CA
- GeoTrust EV SSL CA G2
- GeoTrust EV SSL CA G4
- GeoTrust EV SSL CA - G5
- GeoTrust Global CA (cross)
- GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority (cross)
- GeoTrust SSL CA
- GeoTrust SSL CA - G2
- GeoTrust SSL CA - G3
- GeoTrust SSL CA - G4
- GeoTrust SHA256 SSL CA
- GeoTrust RSA CA 2018
- GeoTrust EV RSA CA 2018
- GeoTrust TLS RSA CA G1
- GeoTrust EV RSA CA G2
- GeoTrust ECC CA 2018
- GeoTrust EV ECC CA 2018
- GeoTrust TLS ECC CA G1
- GeoTrust Global TLS RSA4096 SHA256 2022 CA1
- GeoTrust G5 TLS EC P-384 SHA384 2022 CA1
- GeoTrust G5 TLS RSA4096 SHA384 2022 CA1
- GeoTrust Code Signing CA
- GeoTrust Code Signing CA - G2
- GeoTrust TLS DV RSA Mixed SHA256 2021 CA-1
- GeoTrust TLS DV RSA Mixed SHA256 2020 CA-1
- GlobalSign Organization Validation CA sans SGC
- GlobalSign Organization Validation CA v2014
- GlobalSign Organization Validation CA v2017
- GlobalSign Organization Validation CA v2017 G2
- GlobalSign Organization Validation CA - SHA256 - G2
- GlobalSign Organization Validation CA - SHA256 - G3
- GlobalSign RSA OV SSL CA 2018
- GlobalSign ECC OV SSL CA 2018
- GlobalSign ECC Root CA - R5
- GlobalSign Root CA - R2
- GlobalSign Root CA - R2 exp 2028
- GlobalSign Extended Validation CA
- GlobalSign Extended Validation CA G2
- GlobalSign Extended Validation CA - SHA256 - G2
- GlobalSign Extended Validation CA - SHA256 - G2 - R3
- GlobalSign Domain Validation CA
- GlobalSign Domain Validation CA G2
- GlobalSign Domain Validation CA - SHA256 - G2
- GlobalSign GCC R3 DV TLS CA 2020
- GlobalSign Extended Validation CodeSigning CA - SHA256 - G2 (exp 2019)
- GlobalSign Extended Validation CodeSigning CA - SHA256 - G3 (exp 2024)
- GlobalSign Client Authentication Root R45
- GlobalSign Code Signing Root R45
- GlobalSign GCC R45 EV CodeSigning CA 2020
- GlobalSign GCC R45 CodeSigning CA 2020
- GlobalSign CA for AATL - SHA384 - G4
- GlobalSign GCC R6 AATL CA 2020
- GlobalSign TSA CA for AATL
- GlobalSign R45 AATL Root CA 2020
- GlobalSign GCC R45 AATL CA 2020
- GlobalSign E45 AATL Root CA 2020
- GlobalSign R45 AATL TimeStamping Root CA 2021
- RapidSSL SHA256 CA - G3
- RapidSSL RSA CA 2018
- RapidSSL TLS DV RSA Mixed SHA256 2021 CA-1
- RapidSSL TLS DV RSA Mixed SHA256 2020 CA-1
- RapidSSL ECC CA 2018
- RapidSSL Global TLS RSA4096 SHA256 2022 CA1
- RapidSSL G5 TLS ECC P-384 SHA384 2022 CA1
- RapidSSL G5 TLS RSA4096 SHA384 2022 CA1
- HARICA Qualified Legal Entities SubCA R2
- HARICA Qualified Legal Entities SubCA R3
- HARICA Qualified Legal Entities ECC SubCA R2
- HARICA Qualified Natural Entities SubCA R3
- HARICA Qualified Web Authentication Certificates RSA
- HARICA Qualified Certificates for eSeals RSA
- Sectigo RSA Extended Validation Secure Server CA
- Sectigo RSA Organization Validation Secure Server CA
- Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
- Sectigo RSA Client Authentication and Secure Email CA
- Sectigo RSA Pro Series Secure Server CA
- Sectigo RSA Time Stamping CA
- Sectigo ECC Extended Validation Secure Server CA
- Sectigo ECC Organization Validation Secure Server CA
- Sectigo ECC Domain Validation Secure Server CA
- Sectigo ECC Client Authentication and Secure Email CA
- Sectigo RSA Code Signing CA
- Sectigo ECC Code Signing CA
- Sectigo Public Code Signing Root R46
- Sectigo Public Code Signing CA R36
- Sectigo Public Code Signing CA EV R36
- Sectigo Public Code Signing CA E36
- Sectigo Public Code Signing CA EV E36
- Sectigo Qualified Website Authentication CA R35
- Sectigo Qualified Website Authentication CA E35
- Sectigo Qualified Website Authentication CA Natural R35
- Sectigo Qualified Website Authentication CA Natural E35
- Sectigo Qualified Natural Person CA R35
- Sectigo Qualified Natural Person CA E35
- Sectigo Qualified Legal Person CA R35
- Sectigo Qualified Legal Person CA E35
- Sectigo Qualified Time Stamping CA R35
- Sectigo Public Time Stamping CA R36
- Sectigo Public Email Protection Root R46
- Sectigo Public Email Protection Root E46
- Symantec Class 3 ECC 256 bit EV CA
- Symantec Class 3 ECC 256 bit EV CA - G2
- Symantec Class 3 ECC 256 bit SSL CA
- Symantec Class 3 ECC 256 bit SSL CA - G2
- Symantec Class 3 EV SSL CA - G2
- Symantec Class 3 EV SSL CA - G3
- Symantec Class 3 EV SHA256 SSL CA
- Symantec Class 3 EV SSL SGCCA - G2
- Symantec Class 3 Secure Server CA - G4
- Symantec Class 3 Secure Server SHA256 SSL CA
- Symantec Class 3 SHA256 Code Signing CA
- Symantec Class 3 SHA256 Code Signing CA - G2
- TBS X509 CA SGC v2012
- TBS X509 CA business
- TBS X509 CA business v2012
- TBS X509 CA business 2
- TBS X509 CA institutionnel
- TBS X509 CA institutionnel v2012
- TBS X509 CA persona
- TBS X509 CA persona v2012
- TBS X509 CA persona 2
- TBS X509 CA persona 2.1
- TBS X509 CA Persona 3 (RSA)
- TBS X509 CA Persona 3 (ECC)
- TBS X509 CA pro hosting
- TBS X509 CA pro hosting v2012
- TBS X509 CA pro hosting 2
- TBS X509 CA signature composants
- TBS X509 CA signature composants v2012
- TBS ECC Organization Validation Secure Server CA 3
- TBS RSA Organization Validation Secure Server CA 3
- TBS Internet RSA Secure Email CA 4
- TBS Internet ECC Secure Email CA 4
- Thawte Code Signing CA
- Thawte Code Signing CA - G2
- Thawte SHA256 Code Signing CA
- Thawte SHA256 Code Signing CA - G2
- Thawte DV SSL CA
- Thawte DV SSL CA - G2
- Thawte DV SSL SHA256 CA
- Thawte EV SSL CA
- Thawte EV SSL CA - G2
- Thawte EV SSL CA - G3
- Thawte Extended Validation SHA256 SSL CA
- Thawte Personal Freemail Issuing CA
- Thawte Primary Root CA (cross)
- Thawte SGC CA
- Thawte SGC CA 2010-resign
- Thawte SGC CA - G2
- Thawte SSL CA
- Thawte SSL CA - G2
- Thawte SHA256 SSL CA
- Thawte EV RSA CA G2
- Thawte RSA CA 2018
- Thawte EV RSA CA 2018
- Thawte TLS RSA CA G1
- Thawte ECC CA 2018
- Thawte EV ECC CA 2018
- Thawte TLS ECC CA G1
- Thawte G5 TLS EC P-384 SHA384 2022 CA1
- Thawte G5 TLS RSA4096 SHA384 2022 CA1
- USERTrust Legacy Secure Server CA (Entrust 1024)
- USERTrust Legacy Secure Server CA (Entrust 2048)
- USERTrust RSA Certification Authority (expire mai 2020)
- USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
- USERTrust RSA Extended Validation Secure Server CA
- UTN AddTrust SGC CA
- UTN AddTrust Server CA
- UTN-USERFirst-Client Authentication and Email
- USERTrust ECC Certification Authority - Expire en 2020
- USERTrust ECC Certification Authority
- USERTrust ECC Extended Validation Secure Server CA
- VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2009 CA
- VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2009-2 CA
- VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA
- VeriSign Class 3 International Server CA - G3
- VeriSign Class 3 PCA G5 (2006)
- VeriSign Class 3 PPCA G5 (cross) v2009
- VeriSign Class 3 PPCA G5 (cross) v2010-1
- VeriSign Class 3 PPCA G5 (cross) v2010-2
- VeriSign Class 3 PPCA G5 v2009
- VeriSign Class 3 Secure Server CA (2005)
- VeriSign Class 3 Secure Server CA - G2
- VeriSign Class 3 Secure Server CA - G3
- VeriSign EV SGC CA
- VeriSign EV SGC CA v2009
- VeriSign EV std CA
- VeriSign EV std CA v2009
- VeriSign International Server CA - Class 3
- VeriSign International Server CA - Class 3 v2009
- VeriSign Class 3 Secure OFX CA - G3
Certificats interchangeables
Les certificats intermédiaires peuvent êtres utilisés habilement pour permettre différent fonctionnement.
La certification croisée est utilisée pour donner à une racine une reconnaissance encore plus grande, en la signant avec une autre racine.
On peut également faire des intermédiaires interchangeables, afin que le webmaster choisisse une fonctionnalité.
Dernière modification le 18/11/2024 09:44:47 --- [Chercher]