picture of tbs certificates
picture of tbs certificates
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Install a server certificate on Cisco Ironport

You received your certificate by email with one or several intermediate certificates and a root certificate. Keep this email within reach.

1- Retrieve your certificate(s) on your server

In the delivery email you'll find several links. Click on them and download the associated files:
(from your certificate's status page, click on "See the certificate" or "See the last certificate")

  • A: your server certificate (.cer or .crt file)
  • B: the certification chain (.txt file)

2- Install the certificate

  • Connect to Network/Certificates in Cluster mode.
  • When generating your CSR, you created a self-signed certificate as well (see Generate a CSR for Cisco Ironport). Click on this certificate.
  • Import the certificate, the intermediate certificates and click on "Submit" and then on "that's all folks"

3- Check your certificate installation with CoPibot

On your certificate status page, you'll see a "Check your certificate" button. Click on it to make sure your certificate has been correctly installed.