picture of tbs certificates
picture of tbs certificates
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Install a certificate for Axway Gateway

After the delivery of your certificate, you'll have to import it along with its private key in the appropriate Key store in "Policy Studio".

  1. In "Policy Studio", connect to your API.

  2. On the left panel, select "Certificates". The certificates are display on the right panel.

  3. Click on "Keystore" and on "Add to keystore" to import the certificate and its private key

  4. In the "X.509 Certificate" tab, click on "Import Certificate" if the certificate and the private key are stored on separate files. Click on "Import Certificate + Key" if the certificate and its private key are both stored on a single file.

  5. Select your file. Make sure the selection box indicates the right format for your file.

  6. In the "Private Key" tab, click on "Import Private Key"

  7. Select your private key (.key). Make sure the selection box indicates the right format for your file.

  8. Click on OK to finalize the installation of your certificate.

Useful links