picture of tbs certificates
picture of tbs certificates
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Generate a CSR and install a X509 SSL certificate on an Infomaniak server

This procedure can be applied by using Infomaniak Network managing console to a dedicated or virtualized server.

Connect to the interface as administrator or webmaster. Open the menu Administration -> SSL configuration
Infomaniak Menu
Infomaniak Menu

1- Generate the certificate request

To generate a new certificate request, click on "Generate a request".

Provide a name to your certificate request.
This name will help you spot the certificate in the "SSL certificates" list.

Fill in the form (respect the instructions below):
  • Bits: 2048 MINIMUM
  • Country: indicate FR if your company is in France, BE for Belgium, etc, in uppercase preferably.
  • State: in France indicate the name of the department where your company headquarters are based (not the number).
  • City: indicate the city where your company headquarters are based.
  • Organisation / Company Name: indicate the corporate name of your company (no trade name or acronym), in uppercase preferably.
  • Organisational unit / Department / Branch : We advise not to fill in this field or to enter a generic term such as "IT Department".
  • Common name / domain name / server name / FQDN: Indicate here your SSL server name, such as "", "" or "".
    No IP address. No spaces nor blank characters.
  • E-mail: the email address of the employee managing SSL in your organization.

Then you are redirected to the SSL management page. You can see your certificate request by clicking on "Download CSR"
Select the CSR and copy/paste its content in our order form.
A CSR looks like:

2- Finalize the order process

  • Use the appropriate link to place your order on our website. See Access an order form.
  • Copy/paste the content of the CSR with the Begin and End lines.

3- Install the certificate

In the "Import a certificate" menu, click on "import" and select the example.cer file you received by email (you can also download it from your certificate status page).
Infomaniak Menu

4- Install the corresponding certification chain

Each certificate has its certification chain that you will also have to install on your server. From the delivery email, go to your certificate status page ("See the certificate" -> "See the certification chain") and download the chain-example.txt file.
Infomaniak Menu
Then, in the "Import a intermediate certificate", copy/paste one by one the certificates provided in the chain-example.txt file (----BEGIN CERTIFICAT ---- ... ----END CERTIFICAT-----).
Wait a few minutes or a few hours for the modification to be effective (needs a reboot of the WEB/HTTP/Apache server).

5- Make sure your certificate is correctly installed