picture of tbs certificates
picture of tbs certificates
Our products range

We need a quote to validate orders, how do I get one?

For one certificate supply, fill in the order form entirely (except for the CSR that is optional). In the 'Payment facility' section tick the 'quote' case and choose your payment method. You'll then get a quote and will be able to issue an order form. See Unit quotation process

For several certificates supply, contact our sales department to get a customized quote. You'll then get a quote and will be able to issue an order form. See Bulk purchase quotation process . Make your Purchasing department validate the quotation. As soon as we receive your order form we process your order and send an invoice to your accounting department.

Please note that we charge extra fees for express delivery (payment of the certificate after its issuance), and the prices displayed on our website are for an upfront payment. Your Purchasing department can choose to pay upfront and and save money or can choose a deffered payment as it usually does.

This facility has to be validated by our financial department. In case of an overdue payment you won't be able to choose a deffered payment for your orders to come.

See also: