picture of tbs certificates
picture of tbs certificates
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Export a user certificate from Firefox

To export an existing user certificate from Firefox:

  • Go to the top right of Firefox and click on the icon representing 3 small horizontal lines

  • Open Preferences / Confidentiality and security. Go down to the bottom of the page and click on View certificates.

  • In the Your Certificates select the certificate to export.

  • Click on the Save

  • The software will ask you to specify the name of the file to create. This file will be in PKCS12 format (extension .p12)

  • A dialog box may then appear asking you for the general password ("Master Password") from your Firefox security database. If you have one, specify it!

  • You will then have to indicate the PKCS12 file cypherment password. Enter it twice. Without this password you won't be able to re-import the certificate and its private key.

  • Validate. Your file is created!