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Apache and CN does NOT match server name!? warning

In your Apache SSL log you can see a warning as:
[warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `xxx' does NOT match server name!? 
It is a mere warning signaling a virtualhost is using a certificate while having a different ServerName declared.

It often arrives when using
<VirtualHost _default_:443>
Indeed, somewhere a website inherits of that configuration and it generates this alert.

To get rid of it the VirtualHost _default_ needs to be deleted.

With a multiple-site certificate, this message can also be displayed if several VirtualHost are using the same certificate. Since Apache can not interpret multple CNs nor SANs, there are always at least N-1 warning of that kind (N being the number of virtualhost).

It is not a problem. Simply ignore the warning.

The solution would be to make Apache able to understand multiples CNs and SANs...